Touch or click to collect macrons of the same color that are horizontally or vertically connected to each other. You have to collect all the macrons from the board. If you collect a group of 2 or more you will get score. If you collect more than 7 Macrons in a single turn you will get a random power-up (Bomb or Arrow or Magnet). If you collect only 1 Macron in a turn, 200 points will be deducted from your score.
Use touchscreen or mouse to play this game.
Predlagane igre
Preprosta in zasvojenost igra, kjer zbirate rumene žoge, ki tečejo med belimi. Moraš biti hiter! Naključni bonusi vam lahko dajo hitrost, obnovijo izgubljena življenja, upočasnijo ali oslabijo sovražne žoge. In naj vas prozorne kroglice ne zavedejo!Zbirajte rumene žoge in se izog [...] -
Rivalski hitenja
V tej dirkaški igri gre samo za vaše spretnosti - krmarite po močnem prometu s polno hitrostjo in se za vsako ceno izogibajte nesrečam! -
Avtobusna sestavljanka
Bus Jigsaw je zabavna spletna uganka. Povlecite koščke v pravi položaj z miško. Reševanje ugank je sproščujoče, koristno in ohranja vaše možgane ostre. Za nakup ene od naslednjih slik morate porabiti 1000 USD. Za vsako sliko imate tri načine, iz katerih najtežji način prinese več [...] -
Ferrari F8 Tributo Puzzle
Play with 6 images in this perfect jigsaw puzzle game: Ferrari F8 Tributo Puzzle. All images is with the car - Ferrari F8 Tributo. Solve all puzzles and keep your brain sharp. You have four modes for each picture, 16 pieces, 36 pieces, 64 pieces and 100 pieces. Enjoy and have fun [...] -
Knight Rider
Ghost Rider is a fictional bike racing game which is very suitable for players who love movie games. Game has lot of exciting challenges and key to get through it is to control the speed and acceleration of bike. Enjoy the stunning effects at full acceleration. Good LuckOn Deskto [...] -
Imate tisto, kar je potrebno, da se postavite proti vdoru naprav? Poiščite v tem akcijski strelec! Čisti "streljaj in uniči" nagone so ključni za preživetje, vendar boste morali pokazati tudi svojo sposobnost, da pokrijete prijazne enote in izpolnite druge posebne nalog [...] -
A game where you eat other players and survive without being eaten. Earn XP, level up, collect coins and craft powerups. Use powerups to combat your enemies with 2x speed, portals teleporting, and minions/bots.Control your blob with your mouse. Press space to split, and w to ejec [...] -
Dva kolesarska trika
V Two Bike Stunts so na odru izjemni motocikli! Na 2 velikanskih zemljevidih lahko vozite 8 različnih motociklov. V garaži so 3 zaklenjena kolesa. Zberite kovance na zemljevidu in odklenite zaklenjena motorna kolesa! Na dveh zemljevidih so rampe, kjer lahko izvedete na desetine p [...] -
Safari Mahjong
Uživajte v afriški divji živali v tej igri Mahjong Solitaire. Najprej igrajte mahjong igro in nato puzzle igro. -
Pasijans Klondike
Igrajte to klasično in elegantno različico Solitaire Klondike, ki vsebuje številne možnosti prilagajanja in tri različne načine igre!