For heavy vehicle (truck, cargo, bus) driving games lover we are offering you animal game. Driver load your cargo truck & animal transport cage for truck bed trucking and transportation duty of cattle, farm animals and wild animals like Cow, Bull, Horse, Zebra, lion, fox, Elephant etc. and carry them to offload zoo.
Use WASD to drive and walk
Predlagane igre
Gospa Bullet: Popoln strel
Ste pripravljeni postati super vroča strelka? Rešujte zmedene izzive, pokažite svojo smrtonosno natančnost in se usmerite v sovražnike. Uporabite svoje možgane v tej edinstveni sestavljanki. Potrebovali boste natančen cilj in lasersko ostrenje, da boste odstranili sovražnike, voj [...] -
Čudovit virtualni pes
Naj vam predstavimo Dudduja, našega novega psa! Je super prijazen pes, ki živi v čudovitem svetu, polnem zabave in dogodivščin. Postanite del Duddujevega vsakdana in zgradite pravo prijateljstvo s svojim novim virtualnim hišnim ljubljenčkom.Miško ali tapnite za igranje. -
Car Mechanic Simulator
Play this Car Mechanic Simulator in a realistic workshop of car fixing games environment where you will experience car service modify model kit with oil change, painting and so on.Use WASD or Arrows to walk Mouse - to choose necessary equipment -
Ultimate MMX Heavy Monster Truck : Police Chase Racing
Smash the enemy vehicles using drift cars driving skills for the monster truck desert game. Jump over the ramps of trophy truck racing game & exhibit the fearless car derby racing game stunts same as monster truck racer arena games.High Quality GraphicsDifferent Fearless Army [...] -
Letalski boj
Airplane Fight je spletna igra, ki jo lahko igrate brezplačno. Na nebu se je pojavila skupina zlih letal, ki so poskušali voditi vojno. Kot dober pilot se morate v tem trenutku boriti za državo in čast! Letite z letalom, manipulirajte s smerjo in ciljajte na sovražnika ter nepres [...] -
Pobarvanka: Princeska-jasmin
Slikanje in risanje je vedno ena izmed najljubših izobraževalnih iger za otroke, saj lahko spodbudi njihovo ustvarjalnost in domišljijo. Barvo črte skice lahko zamenjate, kar ni na voljo v drugih igrah barvanja. Izberite različne čopiče, da dokončate sliko.Na osebnem računalniku [...] -
Halloween Match 3
Halloween Match 3 is a good match 3 games with 17 levels. In each level, you need to clear the dirty cells. Make a column or row of three or more color pets of the same type to make them disappears. Break all the dirty cells in time to complete.Use mouse to play this html5 match [...] -
Halloween Connection
Halloween Connection is puzzle Match 3 game with a scary Halloween theme. In this game you have to connect 3 or more identical heads of scary faces. You have 30 levels to complete the task assigned to you at the bottom of the game. For a certain number of moves you need to connec [...] -
Skok s palico
V tej novi dirki preizkusite novo progo, nov način igranja, ob pravem času preskočite ovire s palico, popoln skok vam bo omogočil, da hitro presežete nasprotnika, hitreje do konca, postanete prvi.Dotaknite se droga