Have you ever wondered how to be an effective mine manager millionaire? Become an industrial tycoon by managing your Restaurant and idle profit, and earn enough money to make your dreams come true! Expand your millionaire Restaurant empire and give your productivity a boost with specialized Restaurant managers who will automate the workflow of your Restaurant! Take on this challenge and discover the best manager strategy to invest in and earn as much cash as possible in this simulator – online and offline! Strike gold and become rich! This is not a clicker game, and there’s no need for endless tapping like those other online clicker simulators. Idle Restaurant Tycoon is a simulation game that mixes Restaurant management with money investment to gain profit and become a famous rich millionaire. The aim of this Restaurant strategy simulator is to build and optimize resources to gain as much productivity and idle benefits as possible: With the income you make from the mine, you will have to hire and pay managers and Restaurant, upgrade your Restaurants buildings and equipment as well as optimize your workflow for the perfect timing of the whole Restaurants and management process. Become a Restaurant manager tycoon capitalist, build a millionaire empire, and earn a massive profit by optimizing the Restaurant workflow in this manager game without endless tapping like in an online clicker simulator. Gain some revenue and invest now in this Restaurant manager simulator until you become a rich tycoon
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