Majhen pajek se je vsedel v šatl in odletel na Mars. Prišel je tja in se vrnil. Medtem ko je potoval globalno segrevanje in nato svetovni padec temperature. Vse se je spremenilo v led. Vendar pa je med nešteto ledenimi bloki veliko zabave. Zdaj se naš pajek dobro znajde za večerjo zmrznjenih muh.
Premaknite in povlecite pajkovo mrežo s tipkami puščic ali tipk „A“, „S“, „D“. Vzemite cilj in streljajte z miško. Čaka vas veliko presenečenj!
Predlagane igre
Fall Guys Runner : mobilni
Jesenski dnevi mobilno igranje in računalniška prijetna igramobil touch in wasd -
Pixel Craft Candy
Welcome to Pixel Craft game! Pixel Craft Candy is a simple match 3 game, tap screen drag and drop the candy get high score. Enjoy the game!Use your mouse to play the game or tap on the screen! -
Offroad Snow Jeep Passenger Mountain Uphill Drivin
Transport passengers in a fun and exciting manner Mountain Jeep Passenger Transport Driver 19 An ultimate offroad adventure awaits you! Mountain Jeep Passenger Transport Driver 19 is an exceptional game that guarantees limitless fun and excitement. It is an action and adventure p [...] -
Red Bird Escape
Red Bird Escape is a point and click escape game developed by 8B Games/Games2mad. Imagine that you had been to a forest for research purpose. You met a girl trying to rescue her red bird trapped by the hunter. There is some interesting puzzles, clues and hidden objects to rescue [...] -
Fairy Jigsaw
Fairy Jigsaw, beautiful and talented little fairies with wonderful wings await you in this game. You will enjoy doing 12 different fairy puzzles with the most beautiful clothes. Don't forget to complete all the puzzlers.Left Click or Touch -
Izrežite eksperimente vrvi
Mala zelena pošast Om Nom se vrača in je lačnejša kot kdajkoli prej! Združite se s profesorjem, nori (vendar ni slab!) Znanstvenik, ki je odločen, da bo z nizom eksperimentov, 200 stopenj in še veliko več, preučil Om Nomino sladko ljubeče ravnanje! -
Oil Wrestling
Here we go to a wrestling game with an entertaining version of it. Your goal is to get to better of your opponent this time. You can beat your opponent by making forward, right and left lunges in the game which is known as traditional oil wrestling. Oil wrestling game consist of [...] -
Drag Racing
Preizkusite se v vlogi dirkačev ravnega sveta in sodelujte na rednih nočnih dirkah! Drag Racing je spletna dirkalna igra!Nadzoruje miško -
Zombi Invazija
Zombie Invasion je neverjetna igra za preživetje. Preživite horde zombijev, dokler se jim izognete, da bi prečkali most. Vsak zombi, ki se vam izogne, škodi vaši energiji. Pazite, da ne zadenete bega preživetja. Porazite vse zombije! -
Indian Challenger Puzzle
Igrajte se s 6 slikami v tej popolni igri sestavljanke: Indian Challenger Puzzle. Vse slike so z motorjem indian challenger. Rešite vse uganke in ohranite svoje možgane ostre. Za vsako sliko imate štiri načine, 16 kosov, 36 kosov, 64 kosov in 100 kosov. Uživajte in se imejte.Upor [...]