Machine Gun Squad je razburljiva strelska igra. Ti si pogumen vojak. Ta nevarna misija je ubiti glavo teroristov. Preveč je teroristov z različnimi vrstami orožja. Oskrbeli bomo spuščanje iz zraka in tamkajšnje močno orožje. Vso srečo!
povlecite za streljanje
Predlagane igre
Večkratni udarci 3D
Multi Dunk Shots 3D je pravzaprav košarkarska športna igra. S 3D košarkarsko žogo in zamenljivimi obroči mora košarkarska žoga skakati po tleh in presegati obroče. Več obročev kot zadenete, več končnih rezultatov lahko osvojite. Za zabavo poskusite doseči svoj rekord!Dotaknite se [...] -
Nogometni junak
Izberite svojega junaka in tekmujte proti trem silovitim nasprotnikom na tekmi World Soccer. Boste osvojili zlato medaljo z doseganjem vseh treh možnosti? Bodi nogometni junak! -
Eter Cannon
Brani zemljo pred plinastimi zvermi! Preplavite svojo pot skozi 21 stopenj non-stop akcije! Pazite, da se na koncu prilepite za nekaj kinematografskih dobrot. Obstaja tudi odklenjen trdi način, če premagate igro. Končal sem ga, DA, možno je!WASD ali puščice, da se premaknete. MOŽ [...] -
Mega Ramp Car Stunt 2020
Car Stunt 3D Game is an extreme car racing game that gives racers the best fast and furious speedway experience. You are joining in races against time and don’t forget that time waits for no one. Ramp your car up to feel the speed and score as many Grand Prix wins as possible.Ple [...] -
Sadni okus
Strni tip igre Match 3. Kliknite skupino 3 ali več istih elementov, da jo odstranite. Zberite toliko sadja, kot je navedeno. -
Sklad sladoleda
Ice Cream Stack je bolj podobna navpični arkadni igri s 3D sladolednimi predmeti. Če želite narediti cel sladoled, morate zbrati vse materialne predmete in jih narediti skupaj na tekočem traku. Zberite dovolj denarja, da odklenete svoje najljubše preobleke za sladoled in preoblek [...] -
Nariši ostalo
Draw The Rest je zabavna igra, v kateri se boste počutili genialnega in nadarjenega umetnika! Nariši preostanek figure, izboljšaj svoje risanje in reši uganko.Tapnite za risanje. -
Finger Spinner
Spin the fidget as many times as you can. Develop your own technique for spinning. Earn coins for each successful spin. Use the coins to upgrade your spinning skills, and unlock cool spinners!Features:- Unlock cool spinners and upgrades via the shop- Cool theme and artwork- Endle [...] -
In this game, your goal is to find the three letters that make up the password. When you find out, unlock the lock and move on to the next level. I wish you luck, this game is only for the smartest.In this version you will find 100 levels.There is no store, you can be rewarded wi [...] -
Shoot the Duck
Your hunting dog whines in impatience, because the duck hunting season is coming. He can not wait to bring you a booty, which you cleverly shoot. To complete the round in Shoot the Duck, you must hit the maximum number of flying targets. Their number is located on the bottom hori [...]