Ever wanted to have a tattoo? Wondering about a sleeve made out of painted pictures on your body? Look no further! Your search is over! You are in the right spot and we guarantee that you will not be disappointed! Download this tattooing game and become the best there is in this area of work! Become the Ink Master that everybody is talking about!
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Predlagane igre
Join & Clash
The two forces are fighting on the field, and the conflict will happen at any time. The red and blue villains are standing in different areas, and all of them are fighting hand to hand, so wrestling is the only chance to win. There are many challenges, but don't be afraid, you ar [...] -
Fruits Connect Float
Povežite 2 enaka sadeža s potjo, ki nima več kot dveh kotov 90 stopinj. Počistite tablo tako, da odstranite vse pare enakega sadja. Previdno, na nekaterih ravneh lahko sadne ploščice lebdijo (na dno, navzgor, na levo, na desno, na sredino ali razdeljene). V tej igri je 27 zahtevn [...] -
Obramba živih mrtvih stolpov
Obramba zombi stolpa z 8 različnimi stolpi, 12 zemljevidi in 600 valovi skupaj.Z miško izberite stolp z odra in postavite na strateški položaj vzdolž poti, da preprečite valovanje sovražnikov. Kliknite postavljen stolp in izberite možnosti nadgradnje. -
Super vodovodni tek
Pridružite se Super vodovodarju in tekajte, skačite in letejte skozi zahteven svet v tej zasvojeni igri s platformo! -
Real Gangster City Crime Vegas 3D 2018
Welcome to Real Gangster City Crime Vegas 3D 2018, Explore the city of vegas of gangster crime, Become the most notable gangsters in vegas city crime of US Streets by using guns, cars, bikes, planes, trucks, buses. As a real gangster in this finest of vegas crime games play as a [...] -
Pro Skate
Pro Skate je realistična urbana Skate Boarding igra. Igrajte tako, da se drsate na krovu skozi nivoje in izvajate različne trike. Poskusite skočiti na ograje in druge ovire, ki na poti zbirajo zvezde za dodatne točke. Če padete z rolke, boste izgubili življenje. Dlje kot si vzame [...] -
Igra Sladoled Little Panda
Little Panda Ice Cream Game je simulacijska igra kuhanja sladoleda z 2D risankami. Na izbiro sta 2 trgovini. Sledite takojšnjemu namigu o roki in naučili se boste, kako upravljati stroj za kuhanje sladoleda. Ko pojeste osnovni sladoled, ne pozabite dodati še soka za boljši okus. [...] -
GPU rudarjenje
GPU Mining je 3D-igra s kliki za rudarjenje nedejavnega kapitala, kjer lahko nadgradite svojo strojno opremo, izboljšate hitrost generiranja in povečate stopnjo zaslužka z dodajanjem cevovodov. Vaš cilj je doseči denarne cilje na vsaki ravni. Bodite pozorni na temperaturo strojne [...] -
99 kroglic
Previdno streljajte, streljanje in odstranite oštevilčene ovire s polja. Lahko naredite verigo za 99 kroglic? -
Mermaid Ruined Wedding
There was a shark attack and the wedding was ruined for the Princess Mermaid and her prince! She is so upset, but luckily you are here to save her big day. Repair the wedding ballroom and the cake and after that have fun choosing the bride's outfit. The mermaid will be happy and [...]