Ink Inc je pravzaprav simulacijska igra za risanje tatoa na 2D platformi. Pričakujete približno 100 različnih vzorcev, ki jih boste odklenili s pomočjo risanja celotnega vzorca z visoko stopnjo zaključenosti. Veseli me, da boste uživali v Tomb Of The Mask Color!
Miško ali tapnite, da se igrate.
Predlagane igre
Wild West Sheriff
New sheriff is in town. Your new job is to collect coins, lives, ammunition and clear town by kill monsters, and go as far as possible!Heave fun!Use your mouse to play the game or tap on the screen! -
Painting Vintage Cars Jigsaw Puzzle 2
Drag and drop the all picture pieces to their exact locations to complete the pictures of the painting vintage cars. The game comes with 8 pictures and three difficulties: 2x3, 3x4, 4x6. Use mouse to play this html5 car games. -
Baby Taylor Halloween House
Halloween is coming! Next week is Halloween. Every kids love that day. They will dress special and collect candies. What a brilliant adventure. This year, Taylor’s family decide to make their house become a wonderful Halloween theme house. Then Taylor and her friends can have a p [...] -
Fun Halloween Jigsaw
Fun Halloween Jigsaw is a free online game from genre of puzzle and jigsaw games. In this game you have a total of 12 jigsaw puzzles. You need to start from the first one and to unlock the next image. You have three modes for each picture: Easy with 25 pieces, Medium with 49 piec [...] -
Držite se moje roke, prijatelj
Vaša naloga v tej simpatični sestavljanki je, da povežete majhne pošastne prijatelje. Poskrbite, da se bo vsaka roka dotaknila druge roke pošasti, pazite na ovire in obvladujte 30 zahtevnih stopenj! -
Dirke z vodnimi avtomobili
Vzpostavite stik v živo s tem novim izzivom avtomobilskih kaskaderskih iger, tako da pokažete svojo uspešnost avtomobilskih kaskaderskih iger, tako da jih pomešate s čudovitimi dodatki in zmogljivimi ukazi deskanja po vodi z brezplačnimi avtomobilskimi igrami. Uživajte v vsakem k [...] -
Zamenjajte 2 predmeta in se ujemajte s 3 ali več istih predmetov in odstranite vsa vijolična ozadja. -
Live Aqua Hero Adventure
It’s not an escape plan in which you will be escaped once and free it’s all about the real aqua hero who fights against the underwater nation in the dark hustle that is the kings of monsters to prove yourself a real incredible hero.WASD - Move Space - Jump Shift - Speed F - Swim [...] -
Parkiraj avto
Parkiraj avto je zabavna in prijetna igra parkiranja z vami. Poskusite parkirati avto na 100+ stopnjah, ki se med seboj razlikujejo v tej igri. S premikom prsta ali miške označite smer avtomobila. Paziti moraš, da se ne ujameš v avtomobilske ovire. Zabavaj se.Miška ali povlecite [...] -
Hitri tovornjak
Express Truck je neke vrste zanimiva arkadna igra simulacije vožnje hitrega tovornjaka. Igralci morajo z miško ali puščicami voziti avto do trgovine in hkrati nabrati nekaj burgerjev. Upam, da se nam lahko pridružite in se zabavate v Express Truck in srečno!interakcijo z miško al [...]