Kategorija: Ostale igre

Use different types of weapons to shoot enemy players on different maps, try to get the highest score by the end of each round in order to win.WASD - Move Mouse - Shoot R - Reload [...]
Since childhood, every girl just loves to change her appearance. Some girls like to do makeup, some of them like to visiting hairdressing salons or beauty ones. Today we offer you [...]
Looking after a baby is not easy, but at the same time interesting and enjoyable. If your little fidget goes to kindergarten or school, our new game is just for him! After all, pla [...]
Now in the fashion trend of little girls, the most popular gorgeous Lolita style. Every girl hopes that she can wear a gorgeous Lolita skirt and wear nice accessories. Elsa, Anna, [...]
Fairy Jigsaw, beautiful and talented little fairies with wonderful wings await you in this game. You will enjoy doing 12 different fairy puzzles with the most beautiful clothes. Do [...]
Pomlad je končno prišla! Čas je, da uživate v cvetju, zelenjavi in sadju. Zato pojdite ven in posadite svoje najljubše pridelke na vrtu! Združite posel z užitkom in trenirajte svoj [...]
Zaljubljena sestavljanka je čudovita uganka, ustvarjena s čudovitimi trenutki zaljubljenega para, srčkana, iskrena, polna življenja in se ljubita. Ali lahko zanje dokončate 12 razl [...]
!Opozorilo! samo legende lahko igrajo to igro, če niste legenda, prosim, ne igrajte. to je igra za več igralcev, počakajte, da se pridružijo drugi igralci in se zabavajte z njimi. [...]
Spoznajte najlepše morske deklice z dna morja. Tukaj ne boste našli klasičnih pravljičnih princes morskih deklet, temveč celo vrsto morskih deklic vseh vrst. Ste že kdaj videli mor [...]
Čistilna igra Little Girl Clean Christmas Carriage je za otroke zelo zabavna. Ali doživljate občutek osvoboditve in željo po zabavi? Oglejte si to igro! Punčka ima božično kočijo, [...]