Color Roller 3D je zabavna zasvojljiva hiper priložnostna igra. Kliknite ali tapnite, da zavrtite barve in se pomaknite z zgornjo dano sliko. Uživajte v prelivanju barv!
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Predlagane igre
Ace of Hearts
Vse karte premaknite na en sam temelj. Začnite z Ace of Hearts in nadgradite ne glede na op. Na mizi sestavi obleko. Vse karte na mizi so na voljo za igro. Kliknite na zaprti sveženj za obravnavo novih kartic. -
Nuna s pištolo
21. december 2012. Doomsday! Vi ste naše zadnje upanje, redovnica s pištolo. Ustreli vse lezenja v tem stranskem drsnem apokaliptičnem strelcu.S puščicami ali W, A, S in D uporabite za tek in skok. Uporabite miško za cilj in ogenj. -
Temni vitez se dvigne – opazi razliko
Zaznajte razliko v slikah Batmana, The Dark Knight Rises.z miško opazite razlike -
Risanka Jesenska uganka
Igrajte se s 6 slikami v tej popolni sestavljanki: Cartoon Autumn Puzzle. Vse slike so z risanko jesen. Rešite vse uganke in ohranite svoje možgane ostre. Za vsako sliko imate štiri načine, 16 kosov, 36 kosov, 64 kosov in 100 kosov. Uživajte in se imejte.Uporabite miško za igranj [...] -
Kavbojski tekači Dash
Cowboy Runners Dash je tradicionalna tekaška arkadna igra s 3D risanimi kavbojskimi liki. Igrate lahko neskončni način, da ustvarite nov zapis, ali igrate način Level z 12 različnimi stopnjami. Garderoba ima 4 predmete za ustvarjanje nekaterih učinkov v igri. Nadgradite svoj lik [...] -
Bus City Parking Simulator
Bus City Parking SimulatorBus City Parking Simulation Games brings you the all new Smart coach bus parking: new free game, the most realistic city bus Game play includes many beautiful Buses.Bus City Parking Simulator- The best parking game in free parking lot. You can enjoy diff [...] -
Zumba Mania
Get better at marble shooting and try to complete all the levels with three stars in each level. This marble game is easy to play and addicting at the same time.Tap to shoot. Match 3 or more same-colored marbles to eliminate them. Destroy all marbles in the chain before it hits t [...] -
Painting Vintage Cars Jigsaw Puzzle
Drag and drop the all picture pieces to their exact locations to complete the pictures of the painting vintage cars. The game comes with 8 pictures and three difficulties: 2x3, 3x4, 4x6. Use mouse to play this html5 car jigsaw puzzle games. -
Fighting Match Jigsaw
In this UFC Fighting Match Jigsaw game you have 6 images in three modes to play. Choose one of the mode for the game that you previous choose and start to play. Drag and drop the pieces to solve the puzzle and create an image. Enjoy, and have fun! Use the mouse to play this game. -
Šolska moda za dekleta
Girls School Fashion Dekletom morate pomagati, da postanejo najbolj modne učenke v šoli. Spremenite svoje obleke s šolskimi uniformami, lasmi, ogrlicami, okraski in čevlji. Absolutno jim v resnici ni treba nositi šolskih uniform, ampak običajne modne sloge. Študenti bi morali bit [...]