Chubby Bird ne more sam leteti! Potrebuje vašo pomoč. Mu lahko pomagate leteti v neskončnost?
Predlagane igre
Mini Putt 3
Mini Putt 3 je tretji obrok v priljubljeni seriji Mini Putt (Mini Golf Game). Cilj igre je dokončati vse ravni v čim manj udarcih. V tej igri je skupno 18 stopenj. Kartica z rezultati se prikaže po vsaki stopnji. Fizika igre je povsem realna. Obstaja veliko predmetov, s katerimi [...] -
Jungle Dash Mania
Pobegnite od velikega gozdnega medveda. Skočite nad ovirami, kot so pasti, skale in drevesni štori. Zbirajte napajalnike, da se zaščitite in okrepite v tej nori igri jungle dash mania.Pobegni od velikega medveda -
Sliding-block puzzles where the aim is to move a specific block to some predefined location.Slide the block to the exit. Player may only slide the tiles by horizontally and vertically. -
Sestavljanka cesarskega pingvina
Emperor Penguin Jigsaw je spletna ugankarska igra. Če želite rešiti to sestavljanko, morate postaviti 64 kosov v pravilen vrstni red. Igrajte to kul igro sestavljanke cesarskega pingvina in uživajte v prostem času!Povleci in spusti z miško -
Adam and Eve 8
Adam finds himself with his head in the clouds! He has no idea where he is or where to find his beloved Eve! Stay out of the hands of another lady who fancies Adam and watch out for dangerous reptiles and dinosaurs! Find a smart safe but way to guide Adam home to his worried wife [...] -
Mestni junak
City Hero je akcijska strelska igra HTML5. Vaš akcijski junak ima nalogo rešiti mesto. Alianci in demoni napadajo mesto in jih morate rešiti. Bodi hiter, previdno streljaj sovražnike in reši mesto. Vso srečo!puščice preslednice ali tipke na dotik -
Worms Zone a Slithery Snake
Worms Zone is a game with a dynamic storyline. Start growing your worm right now. Having tried to get a real anaconda, a small worm never gets stuck in one place – he’s ready to bite everyone. However, there is a danger to be eaten by a more successful player. The Worms are real [...] -
Stack Color
Stack Color! is a casual tower stacking game! Blocks are drop from above and you are supposed to stack blocks one on top of the other. Keep stacking them on top of each other forming a tower stack. How high can you keep that stack going? Use power ups to make it easy.Tap or Click [...]