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Predlagane igre
Simulator parkourja
Hitro teci in izvajaj neverjetne parkour trike s prenovljeno Parkour Simulator 3D pravo igro parkour! Več ovir, več osupljivih parkour trikov za izvajanje, skoki s strehe in več vznemirjenja zagotovljeno! S temi ekstremnimi igrami freerunning in parkour imate priložnost postati n [...] -
Take Off The Rocket and Collect The Coins
First collect the time and fuel as you can. after time out rocket will take off. then you have to collect the coins by moving the rocket left and right.click/tap on the clock and fuel can faster.and after take off the rocket click/tap left and right on the screen to move rocket l [...] -
Blokiraj svet
Block World je svetovni simulator izdelave peskovnika v bloku 1. Če si to lahko predstavljate, jo lahko zgradite!Nadzoruje miško -
Piggy Night
With a dark theme and a thriller music we have launched Piggy Night. A mixture of cuteness and shady Tap on screen to move from one circle to another. Collect shield and speed power to make more scoreTurn on audio to experience betterTap on screen to move -
Eacape Run
Eacape Run je tipična tekaška arkadna igra s 3D risano rdečo opico. Upravljate ga tako, da nadzirate rdečo opico in zbirate jagode, medtem ko tečete na čim daljše razdalje. Ne pozabite odkleniti več predmetov z jagodami, ki ste jih nabrali v supermarketu. Lepo se imej!Drsne ali p [...] -
Parkirajte čoln 2
Čoln parkirajte v zalivu, ki vam ga nudi. Izogibajte se udarcem čolnov ali kakršnim koli oviram na poti. Parkirajte ga v minimalnem času in si prislužite rezultat. Končajte vse ravni, da zmagate v igri.S puščicami se usmerite in premikajte. -
Nebesni vitez 2
V Sky Knight-u 2 se bo zgodilo, ali se boste lotili grozečega bataljona, oboroženega samo z letalom, puškami in če imate srečo ... prijatelja. Bodite enojna zračna vojska ali se združite s svojim vitezom, da bi premagali neusmiljeno sovražno silo. Kakor koli že, prebrodili se bos [...] -
Pixel Factory Battle 3D.IO
Pixel Factory Battle 3D is a Battle game that is exciting and fun, trying to win more games for your team.Move WADS Shoot Mouse Left Zoom Mouse Right or Touch -
Floppy Pipe
A reimagining of the famous "Floppy Bird". The rules are simple: you are a Flying Pipe and you have to avoid the chickens as long as you can!Controls click with the mouse or press spacebar or touch the screen to fly up That s all