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Predlagane igre
FZ PinBall
FZ PinBall - Premaknite veslo, da udarite v jekleno kroglico. Opazujte, kako žoga odskoči okrog arkadnega stroja in tako zgori točke za vas. Imate samo tri žogeDotaknite se ali miške -
Maze Twist
V Maze Twistu boste vrteli osupljivo lepe labirinte in vodili žogo skozi čudovito živahen geometrijski svet.Zavrtite labirinte in vodite žogo skozi labirint. -
Stunt Car Challenge 3
Car Stunt 3D Game is an extreme car racing game that gives racers the best fast and furious speedway experience. You are joining in races against time and don’t forget that time waits for no one. Ramp your car up to feel the speed and score as many Grand Prix wins as possible.Ple [...] -
Blacksmith Escape 3
Blacksmith Escape 3 je igra pobega s točko in klikom, ki jo je razvil 8BGames. Predstavljajte si, da ste šli v kovaško hišo, da bi kupili meč. Ko ste šli tja; ujet je bil v tej hiši. Poiščite nekaj skritih predmetov, da rešite zanimive namige in pobegnete Kovaču. Vso srečo ... Za [...] -
Chaki vodni hmelj
Mimo Chakija skozi vodo ne utapljajte se. Skočite na ploščad in pazite, da ne zdrsnete. Uporabite desno puščično tipko ali gumb miške za preskok dveh platform in levi gumb ali puščično tipko za preskok ene platforme.Uporabite miško za igranje te igre -
Hit The Glow
Hit The Glow je priložnostna igra, ki temelji na dotiku, da bi bila zanimiva, dodali smo neonsko grafiko in svetleče delce. S 4 različnimi načini ima 60 stopenj. Dotaknite se zaslona, da vržete žarečo kroglo in pritisnite krog, da počistite ravni. Vsak način ima 15 stopenj. CLASS [...] -
Stickman Shadow Adventure
Once upon a time, in where colors was disappear and the light is dying. The stickmans are just alive as shadows in a Dark villages. There is a strange girl who live in a cottage, her name is Beauty. They said that she still breathes so the light still shines, but she always sickn [...] -
Fox Hunter Sniper JIGSAW
Sniper Fox hunter is a first person shooter game. It has grass, mountains with a very realistic environment. It has ultimate hunting adventure. The Fox Hunter will love this amazing first person sniper shooting gameEasy for play Just click w button for walk click mouse Right butt [...] -
Sea Creatures Coloring Book
All kids love to draw and paint! Today we will find ourselves in the amazing underwater world, where many interesting inhabitants. Do you know what color the octopus is? It turns out that he can change his color. But the crocodile is always green! Test your knowledge by coloring [...] -
Sestavljanka domačih živali
Fantastična igra Jigsaw z motivom Valentina. Povlecite in spustite delčke slike na njihove natančne lokacije. Obstajata dva načina. Enostaven način ima 24 kosov, medtem ko ima težki način 48 kosov. Dokončajte vseh 8 stopenj, da zmagate v tej igri.Za igranje te igre uporabite mišk [...]