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Predlagane igre
Adjust in the wall
Adjust in the wall is a timing reflexive game, you need to move the free block to the correct position before it hits the wall. There is only one correct position for this block so there will be no mistakes allowed. Good LuckOn Desktop - Use keyboard Left Arrow Key A and Right Ar [...] -
Hoop Royale
Poskusite manevrirati obroč skozi žogo! Postanite vrhunski mojster dunka in tekmujte z ljudmi z vsega sveta! -
Izogni se čim več oviram s svojimi kockami v tem novem in razburljivem neskončnem tekaču Cubito! -
Končni Sudoku
Uporabite svoje možgane za obvladovanje ene najbolj priljubljenih logičnih ugank vseh časov! -
Ben10 Omnirush
Igrajte zdaj in se zabavajte z Ben10 Omnirush najprej tukaj na kiz10.com !!! Zabavajte se s to spektakularno igro akcije, pustolovščin, teka in veliko zabave. Spremljajte Bena pri dokončanju te nove misije in ponovno rešite svet. Uživajte v tej ekskluzivni igri kiz10 najprej tuka [...] -
Red Bird Escape
Red Bird Escape is a point and click escape game developed by 8B Games/Games2mad. Imagine that you had been to a forest for research purpose. You met a girl trying to rescue her red bird trapped by the hunter. There is some interesting puzzles, clues and hidden objects to rescue [...] -
School Bus Difference
School Bus Difference is a free online coloring and kids game! In this game you will find eight different pictures which have to be colored as fast as you can to obtain a great score at the end of the game. You have 23 different colors to choose. You can also save the colored ima [...] -
Drag Racing Club
Tekmujte proti nasprotnikom, nadgradite svoj avto in dirkajte do vrha v vznemirljivem svetu uličnih dirk! -
Stick Freak
Iztegnite palico, da boste lahko prešli na drugo stran. Pazite, da bo palica natančna, ne predolga ali kratka ali pa boste padli! -
Among Us Bouncy Rush
Amongus Bouncy Rush, vaše navdušenje bo doseglo vrhunec v tej odlični igri, bodite zelo previdni, ne zadenite nevarnih zobnikov. Pohitite z zbiranjem kovancev, ker ko boste videli druge like Amongus v trgovini, jih boste želeli kupiti. Uživajte v zabavi v tej akcijski igri.Levi k [...]