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Predlagane igre
Kavarna Penguin
V zasneženi deželi, kjer drug ob drugem živijo pingvini, severni medvedi in mroži, morate preobremenjeni Berti pomagati voditi njeno težko kavarno. Na srečo kavarna lebdi na ledeni gori, tako da si lahko privoščite pustolovščino ...Kliknite tapnite za izbiro jedi in miz -
Fire Bird
You will play a bird that flying in the sky and avoid the obstacles. Can you do it for higher score and try to beat your friends along the way? Quick and decisive game, for reaction check! Click on the screen or use your space bar to get started Fly the bird as far as you can wit [...] -
Spiders is easy to play but tough to master game. You need to pass through the blocky area by swinging on roof and blocks. Avoid the obstacles and collect the gems along your way to unlock fantastic new heroes. Good LuckTap and hold to swing and release to go down -
Letališče Rush
Igrajte kot kontrolor zračnega prometa, počistite letala za pristanek in vzlet in se prepričajte, da bodo na varni razdalji drug od drugega! -
Clarenceova velika priložnost
Clarence v svojih 35 letih življenja še nikoli ni bil na zmenku. Toda danes se to spreminja! Teči mora in skakati po štirih velikih ravneh, zbrati predmete, s katerimi bo navdušil damo svojih sanj, medtem ko se je spoprijel s svojo vsakodnevno rutino! Kako dobro boste odigrali, d [...] -
ABC’s of Halloween
Play with 6 images in this perfect jigsaw puzzle game: ABC's of Halloween. All images is with the ABC's of Halloween. Solve all puzzles and keep your brain sharp. You have four modes for each picture, 16 pieces, 36 pieces, 64 pieces and 100 pieces. Enjoy and have fun.Use mouse to [...] -
Bees are very hardworking insects and produce lots of honey, but their aiming skill is not very well and so they can also waste lots of honey! So you have to help these bees to drop the honey that they have gathered with much efforts in to the pot!Right Click on Mouse -
Tank Mayhem
Ste pripravljeni na boj tankov? Borite se in zmagajte proti svojemu prijatelju ali računalniku v igri Tank Mayhem! Izkoristite bonuse, ki vas podpirajo. Eden najmočnejših bonusov je Drone Mini Tank! Hitro napada sovražnika! Če Drone Tank ne more zadeti sovražnika, bo napadel kami [...] -
Rock Paper Scissors 2P
The popular classic game Rock Paper Scissors is now live with a realistic theme. You can make various 3 symbols that are Rock Paper and Scissors. Each symbol is superior to another. This game is also well known as Roshambo. By guessing the opponent's moves, you can beat him/her. [...]