To je priložnostna ugankarska igra, žogico morate izstreliti na določen položaj. In pazi, da ne izskoči. Morate uporabiti svoje možgane, da streljate z najnatančnejšo silo in kotom, vsak napačen položaj bo neuspešen. pridi no
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Predlagane igre
FreeCell Solitaire Classic
Za zmago v tej zahtevni različici Solitaire premaknite vseh 52 kart na štiri temeljne točke! -
Minimalne pike
Minimalistično, vendar izzivalno: pike v črni in sivi barvi je treba obrniti, da jih bodo približale pike v pravi barvi! -
To je razburljiva igra Io. V areni se boste borili in znova borili. Morate ubiti vse, tudi če ste požiralci, izboljšanje stopnje z ubijanjem nizkih stopenj. Poiščite priložnost, da postanete lovec, nato pa nenehno ubijajte požiralce. To je izjemno brutalna bitka, preživeti in ubi [...] -
Monster Truck Stunt Adventure
Monster Truck Stunts Adventure: Car Stunt Games is an addictive and top free monster truck stunts driving game, in which you will become the driver of extremely big monster truck. This is 99% impossible stunt game and has all the upgrades of best monster trucks in the world. You [...] -
Besede čudes
Sprostite svojega notranjega besednjaka in zbirajte svetovne čudeže v Words of Wonders – vrhunski igri križanke! -
Baby Talking Tom Eye Doctor
A very special patient will arrive in this baby talking tom eye doctor game and you will have to treat him really well because we all know that Talking Tom is a celebrity so you need to do your very best. The thing you need to remember is that you will always have instructions th [...] -
Modern Commando War : Counter Terrorist Shoot 2k2
Counter Terrorist Shooting Game : FPS Gun Strike Game has all the elements of fps shooting strike with gun ops and fps gun game that you like in gun shooting games along with fps battle where you are the expert of gun strike in commando ops. So jump into fps strike shooting game [...] -
Baseball Big Hitter
Baseball Big Hitter je igra, ki temelji na časovnem razporedu in hitrih reakcijah, na vas se vrti 24 žog in morate stremeti, da udarite žogo čim bolj, da dosežete najboljši rezultat. Kjer udarite žogo, je pomembno, saj se bo odločilo, ali bo šla visoko ali nizko, levo ali desno. [...] -
Shoot to Military Vehicles
Shoot to military vehicles and destroy by using 100 rockets.tap on the gun to fire or press "A" key and "L" key to fire.