Bodite hitri in zahrbtni ter prestrašite lovce na duhove! Pazite na kamere in pasti. Zberite duha in potisnite lovce na duhove, da osvojite raven.
Za premikanje duha uporabite puščične tipke
Predlagane igre
Slasten vafelj sladoled
Ste ljubitelj vafljev? Ste ljubitelj sladoleda? Ta igra je popolna za vas. Naredimo nekaj vafljev in jih okrasimo s sladoledom in poljubnim sadjem in sirupi! Bodi pekač vafljev!Za igranje igre uporabite MIŠKO. -
Hallowmas 2020 Slide
Play this slide puzzle games of the hallowmas 2020. It's include 3 images and 3 modes (3x3 pieces, 4x4 pieces, 5x5 pieces) to play. Use mouse to play this html5 games. -
Zbirka sestavljank Cave Club Dolls
Cool dekleta iz serije lutk Cave Club te vabijo, da se igraš z njimi. Zberite vseh 12 ugank s svojimi najljubšimi liki!miško -
Vrtne skrivnosti skriti izziv
Poiščite vse skrite predmete v skrivnih vrtovih z omejenim številom obratov. Vsaka izpolnjena kategorija vam bo dala nove zavoje. -
Klasična družabna igra, premagajte nasprotnika tako, da zajamete njegov kos in poskušate promovirati svoj kos kralju. -
Jelly Time 2020
Fill up the blocks to score high!Add even more excitement to the puzzle game by moving the blocks.But it’s not easy. You will be limit in the times in each level.Jelly Times 2020 is a simple, classic puzzle game that can be enjoyed by everyone in the family!HOW TO PLAY1. Simply d [...] -
Fabulous Cute Unicorn Coloring Book
It’s time to draw, young artists! This time we have to color fabulous cute unicorns. Use the slide bar on the right to select the desired color. The palette of this game contains wonderful pastel shades. Drag the panel with the palette using the left mouse button. Enjoy this new [...] -
Fall Days Guys: Knockout za več igralcev
Fall Days hej, če želiš deliti to navdušenje, igraj hitro! Bodite zmagovalec dirke s 40-50 ljudmi, kaj še čakate! beži!Dotaknite se puščičnih tipk Mobile Control WASD -
Piramidalni pasijans
Odstranite piramido kartic in jih združite na 13. Dodajte dve kartici v skupni vrednosti 13. Kralj ima 13 točk sam, Kraljica 12, Jack je 11, Ace je 1 in preostale karte imajo nominalno vrednost. -
Fun Airplanes Jigsaw
Fun Airplanes Jigsaw is a free online game from genre of puzzle and jigsaw games. You can select one of the 12 images and then select one of the three modes: easy with 25 pieces, medium with 49 pieces and hard with 100 pieces. Have fun and enjoy!Use your mouse or tap on the scree [...]