Klasična igra Solitaire s Tomom in Jerryjem Twistom.
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Predlagane igre
Beraško življenje
Beggar Life je nedejavna igra beraškega življenja z 2D preprostimi umetniškimi animacijami. Lahko še naprej tapkate po zaslonu, da zaslužite kovance. Tu so gumbi Raven, Najem, Posestvo, Podjetje, Umetnina, Mesto, Planet in Sredstvo za izbiro različnih uporabnih nadgradenj. Nato z [...] -
Real Gun Sniper Shooter game
Real Gun Sniper Shooter game Games has a shooting games play matching the advance standards of sniper games & action games. You get futuristic arsenal, guns & weapons in this fps game to fight & shoot against targeted enemy soldiers & spies. The new sniper shootin [...] -
Tankovska sestavljanka
Tank Jigsaw je zabavna spletna puzzle igra. Z miško povlecite kose v desni položaj. Reševanje ugank je sproščujoče, koristno in ohranja možgane ostre. Če želite kupiti eno od naslednjih slik, morate porabiti 1000 USD. Za vsako sliko imate tri načine, od katerih najtežji način pri [...] -
Poceni golf
Vstavite prtljažnik v cilj in poskusite premagati 60 zahtevnih stopenj retromodernega mini golfa, ki ga gosti lopov AI po imenu SUSAN! -
Vojaško kolo 3D
Army Bike 3D je igra s kolesom za umazanijo. Vozite se s kolesom skozi več stopenj v različnih vojaških bazah, medtem ko se potrudite, da na poti preskočite več vojaške teritorialne opreme, ki izvaja nore kaskade. Izziv je ohraniti nadzor nad svojim kolesom, presoditi svojo hitro [...] -
Impossible Tracks Jeep Stunts Driving Game
If you are a very fast speed stunting jeep racer and have given the position for stunt car racing games, then you are ready to experience the real new stunt car rally in the mid of sky with no limits of speed. The fantastic and amazing car stunts will blow your mind.- Awesome qua [...] -
City Car Stunt 3
City Car Stunt continues with the 3rd game with improved physics. Also, City Car Stunt 3 is more enjoyable with more realistic and dazzling cars! Try to complete 6 different routes in the game before time runs out! Each level unlocks a new car and make you more powerful for upcom [...] -
Construction Trucks Jigsaw
This is jigsaw game with construction trucks. Start to play choose how hard the level to be and get the image with construction truck. Try to pass all 12 levels. This game is without time limitation, so you will have a lot of time and fun with this game. Use mouse to drag and put [...] -
Pepelka obleko gor
Izberite različne oblačilne izdelke za Pepelko v tej novi igri oblačenja za dekleta. Vse je popolnoma brezplačno, v tej igri sploh ni nakupov! Pepelka gre na bal, kjer bo spoznala princa Charming. Pred to pomembno priložnostjo potrebuje preobrazbo v kozmetičnem salonu za princese [...]