Igrajte se s 6 slikami v tej popolni sestavljanki: Racing Cars Puzzle. Vse slike so z dirkalnimi avtomobili. Rešite vse uganke in ohranite svoje možgane ostre. Za vsako sliko imate štiri načine, 16 kosov, 36 kosov, 64 kosov in 100 kosov. Uživajte in se zabavajte.
Za igranje avtomobilskih iger html5 uporabite miško.
Predlagane igre
Kupid Shoot Shoot Shoot
V tej zabavni streljaški igri boste igrali kot Cupid.Če želite ujeti prava dekleta na kampusu, jih preprosto ustrelite.miško za igranje -
Vobble Boss
Wobble Boss je zabavna igra, kjer mora igralec pobegniti iz pisarne!Uporabite puščice ali povlecite za nadzor znaka -
Paw Patrol Smash
Smash all balloons with paw Patrols Characters and earn points. But you are not allowed to smash Skye. If you smash Skye you will loose live. If you loose 3 lives, or smash Skye three times game will over. So , sometimes the paw patrols will be fast and you need to be careful.Use [...] -
Sočna črtica
Zamenjajte koščke sadja. Ujemite vsaj 3 vrste, da jih odstranite. Kombinacije 4 ali 5 kosov vam dajo sočno črtico. Bonus zamenjajte s kosom sadja, da ga aktivirate. -
Merge Mahjong
Relax and stretch your mind in this merge puzzle.- A unique mechanism that is easy to learn but difficult to master- All levels are handcrafted to test your brainpower- Earn and use boosters to solve tricky levelsClick/Tap following in-game instructions -
Letter Blocks
You can place any 100 words in database of this game and play to learn English words.When you play the game there are shuffled letters for word and you have to make correct letters order according to the word withing playing time.Play and Learn...You have to make correct letters [...] -
Opečna galaksija
V Brick Galaxyju je čas, da v tej zasuki zagovarjate zemljo na starem prelomnem slogu super kul igre! Namesto da bi lomili opeke, jih zagovarjate pred nevarnimi napadi meteorjev iz zlobne invazije vesoljske pande. S tipkama A in D premaknite orbitalno platformo. Lahko pa uporabit [...] -
Jelly Ball Escape
Collect all the coins to unlock the door and reach there to level up.Use Arrow Keys or Swipe screen to move the ball. -
Med dvema ognjema
Ste v povprečju Joe's Gym Dodgeball Team na Vegas International International Dodgeball turnirju. Cilj igre je, da se borite skozi 5 krogov enega samega izločanja dodgeball akcije, da zahtevate prvenstvo. Uporabite svoj preslednik, da napajate strel in vržete žogo ter vodite [...] -
city car racing game
City car racing game..Here, you can drive a car in to the city. and competition with others cars. Drive your car and face heavy traffic on the road. Experience the speed and passion of the car.challenging tasks waiting for someone to complete or break the record! The road has a b [...]