Živali povlecite in spustite na ujemajoče se silhuete na sliki.
Predlagane igre
Kumba Kool
Pridružite se Kumbi v tej neskončni igri s stranskimi kletkami in poskusite zaslužiti čim več točk! -
Pasijanski pas
Klasična igra Canfield Solitaire. Vse kartice premaknite na štiri temeljne šipe, začenši z začetno kartico v naraščajočem vrstnem redu. Na mizi sestavljajte po nadomestni barvi. Za nove kartice uporabite zalogo (zgoraj levo) ali odpadni kup (levo). Od kralja do asa se lahko ovije [...] -
Snow Drift
Every novice driver always tries to follow all the rules of the road and saves the car, but as soon as the experience and knowledge increase, as well as the level of professionalism, the driver decides that he can afford more, that is, he is not afraid to increase the speed to th [...] -
Bubble Shots
The most addicting and fast paced bubble shooter Aim your cannon and burst bubbles as quickly is possible!Aim your cannon and burst bubbles as quickly is possible! -
Nogometne žoge
Nogometna puzzle akcijska igra, ki temelji na fiziki. Všeč vam je nogomet ali ne, ni pomembno. Razjezi sodnike tako, da brcajo žogice po njih! -
Mobs Down
Sprehodite se po ulicah in se borite z lokalnimi tolpami in odpeljite Mobs Down! Ta flash igra ima neverjetno realistično grafiko, kakovostno okolje in zapleten bojni sistem z različnimi količinami kombinacij. Dvignite in vrzite predmete, kot so koše za smeti, da si zagotovite pr [...] -
Kings and Queens Solitaire Tripeaks
To je odličen čas, da poberete nekaj pasjanse! Če uživate v igrah s kartami in vam besede Pyramid, Klondike, Spider nekaj pomenijo ali če ste ravno na robu odkrivanja ugank s pasijansi, vas Kings & Queens pozdravljajo na vašem potovanju! Ta čudovita saga Tripeaks ima veliko z [...] -
Racing Cartoons Jigsaw
In this kids jigsaw game you can play with cartoon racing images from popular cartoons. Choose one of twelve image and start to play. Choose which mode you want to play and start to solve this puzzle. Put the pieces into right position to get the image with racing cartoons.Use mo [...] -
Wordie is an interesting word education game. In this game, you need to organize the letters and form the right word by the description provided. See how many words you can find in the right order.Mouse or tap to move letters around the sides.